Rainbow Bridge, Navajo National Monument + Photograph by Jeffrey Louden
This blog has been an experiment, a bridge if you will, to engage the people of the Rocky Mountain Synod in preparation for the assembly by looking at the theme, "Landscapes of Faith."
We have heard from people from every corner of the Synod - Wyoming to El Paso, Utah to Colorado and from the Land of Enchantment too. We have heard from laity, clergy, synod staff and rostered leaders. We have heard from people within the church and from those without.
Always we have heard that people engage their landscapes: internal, external, spiritual, mundane. We have heard that they care for them and are willing to work for them.
To the extent that we have helped the conversation, we have succeeded. Thank you for taking the time to read the posts and to prepare for the assembly.
Kent Mueller, Kari Reiquam and Jeffrey Louden
Oh, and one last word. The authors and photographers would appreciate if you asked for permission before using text or photographs and then after use, if you would forward a copy of where and how you used the material. There may be a fee for the photography. Thank you.
Come back soon.